Laurel J. Schramm, M.D.
Pediatrics 323-965-1616
Fall 2024 Flu shots and FluMist sprays are in stock - call to let us know when you'll be coming!
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Dr. Schramm's favorite books
Siblings Without Rivalry, Faber & Mazlish (try the audiobook!)
How To Talk So Little Kids Will Listen, Faber & King (ages 2-7)
How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk, Faber & Mazlish (all ages)
Parenting Without Power Struggles, Stiffelman (all ages. She also has a wonderful website with many resources at
Just Tell Me What to Say, Brown Braun (ages 2-6)
The Explosive Child, Greene
The Emotional Lives of Teenagers, Damour
Untangled (tween/teen girls), Damour
Anxiety-Free Kids, Zucker (parents and their tween/teens together)
What To Do When You Worry Too Much, Huebner (a kid's guide)
Precious Little Sleep, Alexis Dubief (super helpful AND so much fun to read!)
What To Do When You Dread Your Bed, Huebner (a kid's guide)
website:, Yale Pediatric Sleep Center
website: american psychological association handouts on sleep
It's Not About the Broccoli, Rose
Lunchbox, Hanel
The Care and Keeping of You, Book 1 (younger tweens), American Girl
The Care and Keeping of You, Book 2 (older tweens/teens), American Girl
The Feelings Book, American Girl
The Boy's Body Book, Dunham
Retro Toddler: More than 100 Old-School Activities to Boost Development, Zachry